Tim Hatch

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RSS Feeds

I encounter a lot of webpages that I'd like to come back to but I know that if I don't make an rss feed for them and subscribe to it, I won't remember. So I've made a lot of feeds to make my life easier, and thought I may as well share them with the world. If you want to view them without helpful descriptions, just see the full list. I'll admit that quite often they don't 100% validate but that's the wonderful thing about rss as opposed to Atom. Readers deal with it.

comicKitty-Bothttp://kitty-bot.com/Kitty-Bot is a webcomic I just started reading. It's pretty neat, kind of like what I wanted the Bone series to be like.
comicJoe and Monkeyhttp://joeandmonkey.com/Joe and Monkey is a stream of consciousness webcomic. The official feed doesn't provide images and was broken for a long time.
comicOzy and Milliehttp://ozyandmillie.org/I was introduced to this one by the McClungs. No official feed that I know of.


Send me an email to code@timhatch.com