
The Bridge

This is the panorama which I submitted to WWP.

Location (lat, lon): 33.12927, -97.10431
Date: 2004-09-22 18:20:00

The Approach

NOTE: This panorama is taken in F1 (circular fisheye) mode, and is half the resolution of the others.

Location (lat, lon): 33.12926, -97.10444
Date: 2004-09-22 18:55:00

Near a Spider

I originally took this because it was near a neat Orb Weaver, but sadly you can't make out the spider in this image.

Location (lat, lon): 33.12925, -97.10431
Date: 2004-09-22 18:32:00


September 22, last day for shooting a panorama for the Equinox

I got off work at 5, and headed out to this bridge - which was the only bridge of any historical or architectural significance near Denton, where I live. By the time I got out there, the sun was already getting pretty low in the sky, and it was something like 6:30pm. I set up the camera, hoping to see some people walk by in order to lend a human touch to it — but alas, it was deserted, except for the cars constantly whizzing by.

I got several good panoramas — these are the best — but by the time I was done, it was getting rather hot from the sun beating down, so I rushed (therefore, the Approach pano is in F1 mode, because it meant taking half as many photos.

I took another panorama on the way back of a 60's vintage pedestrian bridge at TWU, but this one is more impressive.

© Tim Hatch